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Play Escape Room

0 Months to 18 Years
Espacios para fiestas

PLAY ESCAPE ROOM, is made up of a group of people who have enjoyed escape games for some time. In the heart of Barcelona, you will find our rooms decorated, for a team with a mission and a specific time to solve it. The new alternative leisure experience that is in fashion, come and enjoy and have a great time in a group. The more of you, the better we are going to spend it. We are specialists in alternative leisure. With your friends, to celebrate a birthday, farewell or Team Building, any excuse is good and suitable to come and have a good time in the best company. We have 3 fully equipped and set rooms, so you can immerse yourself and go to a parallel world where you can live your experience in its purest form. Escape Room in live mode. You and your team are the protagonists. Suitable for all ages (children under 16 must enter with an adult) WE WILL WAIT FOR YOU!

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