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Maresme Waves

0 Months to 18 Years

Located a few meters from the sea, on the coastline, our beach surf and paddle surf club is more than you can imagine. Maresme Waves is the space around which the Maresme-Barcelona surf scene revolves, serving a function in each of the activity phases. From the outset, it is a meeting point and community for lovers of the sea and its sports. It is the place where those who come from the water to take a shower meet, those who have just rented material to get into the sea, those who recharge their batteries in the place before diving, those who enjoy the views and relax in the chill out area or those who simply pass by to meet friends. We are near Barcelona in front of the El Masnou port breakwater, 5 minutes from the train station, a strategic point on the Maresme coast. We have a fantastic beach, nearby parking lots and restaurants. We will wait for you!