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La Mandarina de Newton

0 Months to 18 Years
Tecnología y robóticaArte y manualidades

Our curious, innovative and non-conformist spirit has led us to explore fields tangent to science, such as art, design and audiovisual language. Our work explores the scientific method, design thinking and creative processes. We are cultural tailors; we design tailor-made projects for each situation. Research, ideation, production and execution of projects and training are a part of what we do. We have a long history and reach audiences diverse in size and complexity. Culture, education and scientific-technological transfer form our wardrobe. We have a physical space in the Gràcia neighbourhood in Barcelona, where we investigate new learning trends and share contemporary debates and dialogues. Our aim is to grow the knowledge of the border, between seams, in order to better understand the challenges of the future.

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