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La Casita de Inglés Montecarmelo

1 to 12 Years

La Casita de Inglés is an English teaching project with eighteen years of experience that uses play and creativity to teach English, always hand in hand with native teachers. We started with a small group of children in the living room of our house, who were attracted by the songs, games and crafts with which Lenny, our founder from California, USA, helped them learn and strengthen the school English subject. So, little by little and in a very organic way, we grew and the living room was too small, so we moved to our first Casita in Pozuelo. Our family was increasing and we already have ten English Houses. Nine of them throughout the Community of Madrid and one in Barcelona. Our methodology is based on experiential learning. We do all kinds of games, crafts, puppets, basic cooking (cookies, muffins, pizza...) theater, video clips, cards, we play at the supermarket, travel agency, yoga, experiments, we use music singing and dancing, painting and we stimulate creativity so that children learn while having fun. All activities are in English with native teachers. We encourage them to talk, since all communication with teachers is done in English. We don't do homework, cards or exams. However, we follow the agenda set by the Community of Madrid in terms of English to deepen everything they are going to learn at school, but in a playful way. We work with weekly themes and integrate all the activities into them. Our learning philosophy resembles Anglo-Saxon with influences from Montessori and Reggio Emilia. We work on positive reinforcement and motivation instead of punishment, to create a natural stimulus towards language learning.