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Kim Jordan Creations

Baile y acrobaciaPre y postnatal

Kim Jordan is an American sociologist, dancer and choreographer (Graduate in Dance and Sociology with an emphasis on "race relations" and "cultural competence” at the University of Las Vegas in 2005). Her innate curiosity has led her to travel 5 continents in search of new expressions. According to her, we can learn a lot about a culture by observing the way their people move. In 2019 she completed a professional training in Anatomy For Movement: Pelvic Floor by Blandine Calais-Germain and became certified in the pre and postnatal program: El Método Laxmi. While completing the 180 hour course, Kim was able to participate in the training as a student in her second pregnancy. Being able to understand the physiological processes she was experiencing allowed her to transform the vision she once had of birth as pain and suffering. She went on to bring her second babe into the world naturally, comfortably and with her perine completely intact despite her baby weighing almost 10 pounds. It was the most extraordinary moment of her life. Since then, Kim created "Mamas in Motion:" a project rooted in love and education with a commitment to empowering mamas and their babes with the agency to live this experience in harmony with their unique selves and their divine energy to call forth life. She is beyond grateful to be able to assist expecting mamas in their quest for a joyful and conscious pregnancy and birth preparation.

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