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Kids&Us Ribeira

English teaching school for boys and girls from one year old. Kids&Us uses its own methodology, tested and constantly reviewed and improved so that the little ones learn the language effortlessly. We use our own method that is based on the natural process of learning the mother tongue. Our classes are given in small groups and with a theme linked to the life stage of children. In addition, Kids&Us Ribeira offers Fun weeks during the holiday periods (Summer, Christmas and Easter). Fun weeks are English language immersion camps for children between the ages of 3 and 10. Each week we work on a different theme so that children can embark on different adventures and learn specific English. We carry out other activities such as Storytimes (storytelling in English), Little Chef (family cooking workshop, always in English), Kids & Theatre, etc. Join our revolution and let your little one learn the language effortlessly.

1 Years - 18 Years
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