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Kids&Us Majadahonda

Kids&Us is an English school that applies its own methodology, specialized in teaching the language in a natural way from the first stages of a child's development. Our method has 20 years of development and more than 150,000 boys and girls learn English with our Natural English methodology. Kids&Us proposes that boys and girls have their first contact with the language from the first year of life through complete immersion in the classroom, which guarantees better learning and pronunciation. Kids&Us provides continuous, repeated and structured exposure to English, so that children are in contact with the language on a daily basis. Kids&Us proposes learning for the little ones in an experiential and memorable way that will make learning an experience, learning naturally through play without the need for translation. All our groups are small: 5 children maximum (baby courses 1-2 years old) and 8 children maximum (kids, tweens, teens courses, 3-18 years old). The registration period for this course is now open! Find out about our method, courses and characters! Other activities: Urban camps during holiday periods (Christmas, Easter and Summer Fun Weeks): camps 100% in English, so that children have the most fun holidays. The Fun Weeks activities are aimed at boys and girls from 3 to 10 years old, who we separate by age groups and in groups of up to a maximum of 10 students per teacher. Storytelling in English (Storytime): Students will participate and become familiar with the vocabulary corresponding to the theme of the story. Our stories try to make children learn different expressions and vocabulary in a very visual way and while having fun. The little ones also participate in many moments of the telling of our stories so that they can put the language into practice while having fun. Cooking workshop in English (Little Chef): Students will become familiar with the language of kitchen accessories, food and culinary techniques. You will also learn an extraordinary Anglo-Saxon recipe to delight your family with! Science workshop in English (Mad Scientist): Students will become familiar with the language of science with more than two different experiments every day! COME AND MEET US!

1 Years - 18 Years
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