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Kids&Us Chamberí

Language teaching center for children from 1 year of age with an innovative and very differential methodology. A proprietary method, Kids&Us English for little people, based on the natural way of language acquisition, through continuous exposure and stories with endearing characters that will introduce the little ones to the world of language learning, treating children as potential natives. COURSES DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR: at Kids&Us, boys and girls grow up accompanied by our characters. Children identify with them, creating a complicity that will determine the path of their learning, not only of the language, but also of an open and imaginative way of seeing and understanding the world. COOKING WORKSHOPS in English LITTLE CHEF where we will learn to cook healthy and fun dishes for children, while at the same time we share – children, parents, grandparents and companions – a family activity. We have created our own cooking workshop, designed for children to experiment with food, try new flavors and discover that cooking is a lot of fun. And all this in English! LITTLE CHEF recipes mostly belong to Anglo-Saxon culture and are fun and healthy. We will learn how to prepare Oven Free Oatmeal Cookies, Apple Grape Salad, Banana Split or Yogurt Parfait, the most curious names to make cooking a most original tool for learning English. The workshop is organized with a very clear purpose: for children to internalize vocabulary and expressions in their context while carrying out an interesting and stimulating activity. URBAN CAMPS in English, our FUN WEEKS. FUN WEEKS are weekly activities that Kids&Us carries out during children's holiday periods: Christmas, Easter, summer. Aimed at boys and girls from 3 to 10 years old with groups of up to a maximum of 10 students per teacher. Kids&Us offers the possibility of spending a fun and exciting holiday in English. The objective of FUN WEEKS is for students to learn the language in a contextualized way, playing, dancing and, ultimately, having a good time. Each week a different theme where we let ourselves be carried away to a new world through different stories created specifically to improve and speed up language acquisition. To work on these topics we carry out different activities, exclusively in English, divided into large blocks: - Psychomotor activities: activities designed to play games that will allow children to move and interact with each other. - Storytime: we think that the use of stories is key and essential when learning a language. The stories, which we have created around each week's theme and which have been developed for each age group, offer the opportunity to learn structures and vocabulary. During FUN WEEKS we will explain, learn,We will represent and interpret stories. - Crafts: we will make crafts (masks, costumes, animal figures...) related to the weekly theme. - Market: a market will be organized twice a week, in which boys and girls will become buyers who must order the breakfast they want in English, using the appropriate expressions. - Theme songs (Songs): This is, without a doubt, the most accepted activity of the FUN WEEKS. The songs are created and composed always following the theme of the week, and are adapted to each age group.

1 Years - 18 Years
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