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Kids&Us Barakaldo

The Fun Weeks activities are aimed at boys and girls from 3 to 10 years old, which we divide by age groups (3 years, 4 years, 5 and 6 years and 7 to 10 years) and in groups of up to a maximum of 10 boys and girls per teacher. Thus, we ensure that the children can interact perfectly with the teacher and their classmates. Children currently in Linda's group who have turned 3 during Fun Weeks can participate in summer Fun Weeks; Those who have not yet turned 3 years old will not be able to participate in them. The Kids&Us Getxo Fun Weeks offer your children a great activity to fully immerse themselves in the language, enjoying a different theme each week, with different characters, new mysteries and renewed motivation every time we start a new week. In addition, our Kids&Us Getxo outdoor patio allows children to not only move around within our center, changing activities in different rooms every morning, but also to go out and enjoy themed outdoor games in groups of a maximum of 10 children and 1- 2 teachers at two times each morning. Activities of the Summer Fun Weeks at Kids&Us Getxo: During the Fun Weeks, we will carry out several activities, exclusively in English, adapted to the age groups with dynamics according to the cognitive moment of the children and we will divide them into six large blocks: Activities psychomotor skills: Guided games and free games in the outdoor playground. Theater workshop (Performances): Our children perform a real play related to the corresponding theme and adapted to the age groups. Storytime: We will tell stories with very special characters, appropriate to the pedagogy of each age group. Crafts: Thematic crafts according to the week we are developing. Market: A very special market to buy "hamaiketako" twice a week. Theme Songs: Dances with very original choreographies according to the theme of the week. Fun Books: Nothing like a class book... a book full of fun... REGISTRATION OPEN!!! upon receipt of this email. Don't let your children miss this great opportunity to learn in English and enjoy the summer!! Very, very limited places!!! Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Tuesday to Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. For any question we are at your entire disposal.

1 Years - 18 Years
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