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Kids & Us Vallirana

English classes for children and young people in Vallirana. Kids&Us uses a learning methodology based on the natural process of acquiring the mother tongue, an infallible process that is based on a determined, natural and spontaneous order. The creatures arrive at the mountain with a cervell in which most of the circuits are disconnected, including the language. To connect and activate this powerful tool, we need to wrap significant stimuli that maximize the innate abilities to learn. Kids&Us will take advantage of and optimize all the mechanisms that are activated during the first years of life to put them at the service of learning a second or third language. TENIM 3 CENTRES MÉS A: - Carrer Joaquim Mensa, 17, Cervelló - Ctra de Barcelona, ​​37, Corbera de Llobregat (Llars d'infants Agatha) - Santiago Rusiñol, 6, Molins de Rei

1 Years - 18 Years
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