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Kids & Us Barajas

At Kids & Us Barajas we carry out the following extracurricular activities: 1. Christmas Fun Week: during the Christmas holidays we hold an urban camp in our center where boys and girls carry out numerous activities (crafts, choreography, theater, games, sports, etc.) everything 100% in English, which helps them improve the language during the absence of classes. Furthermore, all this is complemented with specific materials, developed by Kids & Us expressly for these important dates. 2. Fun Week Easter: during the Easter holidays we hold an urban camp in our center where boys and girls carry out numerous activities (crafts, choreography, theater, games, sports, etc.) all 100% in English, which Helps improve the language during the absence of classes. Furthermore, all this is complemented with specific materials, developed by Kids & Us expressly for these important dates. 3. Summer Fun Week: From the last week of June to the last week of July and during the two weeks prior to the start of the course in September, Kids & Us organizes a complete urban camp, full of fun activities (crafts, choreography, theater, games, sports, water games, etc.) that seek to improve the English of boys and girls while they enjoy a spectacular vacation. We organize each week thematically to maintain the children's motivation. This year we will do themed weeks of "our pets", "the world of magic", "music and rhythm", "the wild west", "the Scottish highlands" and "crazy about cinema". 4. Mad Scientist: Mad Scientist is an occasional workshop (we publish the dates on our website and social networks every time we organize one) that seeks to develop a passion for science in girls and boys through carrying out cool scientific experiments. Everything 100% in English! 5. Little Chef: Little Chef is an occasional workshop (we publish the dates on our website and social networks every time we organize one) that seeks to get boys and girls in contact with the world of cooking, developing and carrying out delicious recipes while They learn English. 6. Storytelling: Kids & Us has developed several stories for our great teachers to perform in a spectacular theater activity 100% in English! These workshops are held occasionally throughout the year (we publish the dates on our website and social networks every time we organize one) and, soon we will hold sessions on May 12 and 19 at the Gloria Fuertes Cultural Center (Avda. Logroño 179 ) and on May 20 at the Cariló Ice Cream Shop (Avda. de Logroño 112). A fun activity that your little ones will love!

1 Years - 18 Years
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