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Freedom Dance

At our dance academy in Sant Joan Despí, Barcelona we love to enjoy something as beautiful as dance. We believe that with positive energy, good training and a family atmosphere it is impossible for something to go wrong, we know what you need, and that is why we know how to reach your hearts just as you reach ours. If you want to dance you have found the best dance classes in Barcelona. There are thousands of reasons why people start taking dance classes: from the introductory wedding dance, a new hobby or a way to better connect with your partner, improving your social life, your physical and emotional health. And once we show you how much fun dance and dancing can be, we know you'll want to keep coming back! The dance has no age, it does not matter if you are an adult, elderly, child or young, we have a space for all of you. We are the largest dance school in Baix Llobregat, a region that includes cities such as Cornellà de Llobregat, Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Sant Just Desvern, Esplugues de Llobregat, Molins de Rei and many other municipalities.

0 Months - 18 Years
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Baile y acrobacia
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