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Escola de Música Virgínia Blanch

The Virgínia Blanch School of Music is a small school in the Horta district of Barcelona. With a career that began 20 years ago, its director, Virginia Blanch, has always sought to ensure that students learn music while enjoying it, regardless of age. Therefore, in addition to the weekly classes, there have always been concerts, workshops, auditions and activities in order to share concerns and share their feelings about music. Clear examples can be: Christmas and end-of-year concerts, Neighborhood concerts, adult student concert with brotherhood dinner, exchange auditions with other schools, concerts in elementary schools, in nursing homes,… All of these facts have led students to know each other better: Their abilities, their emotions, their nerves,… We find that all this is very enriching: Learn music, enjoy it and know the possibilities of each and oneself. Some students have started under the age of 4 in school and continue with us until they grow up. It's exciting to see them grow. What a great gift !!!

0 Months - Adults
What do we offer?
Música y cantoMamá y bebé
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