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Emotion! Escaperoom

0 Months to 18 Years
Espacios para fiestas

EMOTION! is the first Escape Room aimed only at children and adolescents from 8 to 14 years old. The tests are leveled according to age so that both the youngest and the oldest are challenged. EMOTION! It is not an Escape Room for adults that allows children to enter, but an activity truly designed for them, so everything is meticulously taken care of so that the experience is extraordinary. An Escape Room is a really fun group game, where participants are “locked” in a room and they have to find a way out or resolve a mystery in a limited time, using logic, ingenuity and teamwork. Every escape room is different! Each one has a theme that separates them and makes them unique. There are puzzles, enigmas and strange objects that drive you to the end of the game. It’s a great gift for a different kind of birthday!

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