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Arte Bar Painting Studio

7 to 14 Years
Arte y manualidades

Does your child have a passion for creativity? We are pleased to announce that we will be offering weekly fine arts camps in English this summer at our Barcelona studio. Our fine arts summer camps are the perfect way to help young minds explore their creativity. We will offer a wide variety of projects, from painting and drawing to sculpture, printmaking, papier-mâché, and ceramics. We strive to provide a safe and supportive environment in which children can learn the fundamentals of art, develop their skills, and ultimately express themselves through the creative process. Our experienced instructors foster a passion for art while inspiring children to experiment with different materials. With our summer camps, your child will experience the joy of creating beautiful works of art! Each weekly camp is Tuesday-Friday 9:30 - 13:30h (4 days) The price is €230 per week (per child) and includes all art materials, a snack and a drink. There is a 10% sibling discount.