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Yoga Prenatal Online (Gracia)

by Mandiram Gracia

Age Adults

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Pre y postnatal

Time Viernes 18:00 - 20:00

About class

Our Prenatal Yoga classes are dynamic, we work on the agility and flexibility that you will need to carry your baby on your belly or in your arms when it is born. We want to accompany you in an incredible process, in which you will need more attention, specific instructions, a space to share, express yourself and above all adapt to the constant change that takes place within you. These are the points that we work on in our Prenatal Yoga classes, always in continuous rotation, so you can sign up whenever you want and come to practice: sun salutation for pregnant women, breathing for two, exercises for your pelvis, postures to strengthen legs, loosening your lower back and exercising your arms so you are strong for breastfeeding (and cuddling).
About the organiser: Mandiram Gracia
Sea tu primera clase o tu primera formación para profesores de Yoga, te acompañamos con nuestros 18 años de experiencia y los mejores profesores de Yoga en Barcelona. Déjanos llevarte hacia el camino completo para encontrar tu fuerza, flexibilidad y salud!
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer del Torrent d'en Vidalet 43, bajo 2, 08012 Barcelona
Carrer del Torrent d'en Vidalet 43, bajo 2, 08012 Barcelona