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Yoga Para Niños Online

by Sarrià Yoga

Age 5 Years - 11 Years

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Deportes

Time Lunes 16:30 - 20:30 Martes 16:30 - 20:30 Miércoles 16:30 - 20:30 Jueves 16:30 - 20:30

About class

Online Yoga Classes by Zoom for children. From home, from your second residence, from anywhere you can always access a yoga class that will bring your children calm and relaxation. The benefits of yoga are proven and backed by scientific studies and the experience of the people who practice it. It increases the defenses and brings peace and serenity, improving the results in school, the relationship with the environment. Improving the quality of life and giving tools that they can easily apply for the rest of their lives. These weekly classes have been an indisputable success during confinement, allowing the children to find a common space and time to be with other children despite the distance, playing and relaxing.
About the organiser: Sarrià Yoga
Beautifully located in lovely Barcelona, we offer a vast array of Yoga styles from Ashtanga to pregnancy Yoga as well as different kinds of massages
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer d'Ivorra, 20, 08034 Barcelona
Carrer d'Ivorra, 20, 08034 Barcelona