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Yoga Madres Online

by Mama Yoga 4.8 (108)

Age Adults

Languages Castellano

Categories Pre y postnatal

Time Sábado 10:00 - 11:00 Sábado 11:15 - 12:15

Price 35 €

About class

You are a mother and you feel that you do not stop giving, caring, preparing, organizing, accompanying. And you need a while for yourself, a while to breathe, take batteries, savor your body without any child in your arms, a space to take care of yourself. A stop and go. If so, this is your place. In these classes we work on the body, to make you strong, so that nothing hurts, so that it is well alive and healthy. We also work on patience, humor, and love for ourselves. And we do it together, supporting and accompanying each other. Take care of yourself so that you can take care of yourself. Notes: • Yoga online without limits! Classes live on Instagram live private every day and available on a delayed basis throughout the month so that you can do them whenever you want. •Accompaniment group for pregnant women and postpartum (until your baby is approximately 9 months) With Àgata, an hour and a half, once a week via Zoom. Solve all your doubts and share with other mothers. •Possibility, if you feel like it, to be in our WhatsApp group with Mamayoga students and teachers. Tribe support every day of the year. •1 online fitness classes per week. •Priority access to all our workshops and consultations 1 monthly session via Zoom of asanas (postures) so that you solve all your doubts. Special discounts for students in: Kangura, Clarbarcelona, Lamamavaca, Creixerquiropractic, Detela, Estética Abelló, Aguilar dental salut, consultancy / management (low, self-employed, undertakings) with Iusmaternity, Zero Waste and more.
About the organiser: Mama Yoga
Mamayoga es un método de yoga y también de acompañamiento emocional para la mujer y su pareja donde creemos que la maternidad es un proceso intenso, fortalecedor y un camino de cambio en todos los aspectos. Nuestra intención es acompañar cada día a más y más familias a experimentar un embarazo feliz, un parto consciente y una crianza maravillosa, con sus luces y sus sombras.
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer de Pere Serafí, 29, 08012 Barcelona
Carrer de Pere Serafí, 29, 08012 Barcelona