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UK Summer Football Trip

by AnDa Sports Camps

Age 10 Years - 13 Years

Dates 09/07/2024 - 17/07/2024

Languages Inglés

Categories Sports -


Price 1400 €

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About camp

Unforgettable UK football and cultural trip

This exciting trip is open to all children aged 10-12 years old (birth year 2012 & 2013). The main focus of this trip to England will be playing football matches against local school teams and visiting some of the most famous football grounds in the UK while developing and using their English skills.

The trip will be based in the lovely countryside just outside of Burnley, North West England. The main leaders of the trip are run by Andy Richards (qualified British school teacher for the last 21 years) and Mark Ridley (qualified English teacher for over 16 years). There will also be two further adults on the trip.

We will be staying in an amazing, private, country house surrounded by fields and activities for the children. The children will have traditional English homemade food throughout the whole stay.

Everyday will be full of activity for the children and we will always be involved in an English environment so they will have plenty of opportunities to improve their linguistic skills with local children and adults. They will also link up with different schools and clubs in a casual environment where they will have the chance to make new friends and practise using their English.

Even though the main focus of the trip is for the boys to play football and tour several different stadiums within England, they will also experience a number of different exciting activities.

Trip activities

The trip will involve the following activities:

  • Football matches against local schools and clubs in the North West area
  • Four 6-a-side football tournaments with other local schools
  • Visits to local schools and football clubs to give the children opportunity to talk and play together
  • Tour of Liverpool FC football stadium (Anfield)
  • Tour of Manchester United FC football stadium (Old Trafford)
  • Tour of Manchester City FC football stadium (City of Manchester Stadium) and the Commonwealth Games arenas
  • A full day taking part in team building activities
  • A tour around the new National Football Museum, Manchester.
  • Day visit to the coastal resort of Blackpool which will include the Pleasure Beach (theme park) and a trip to the beach.
  • Visit to the Liverpool One Museum.
  • Team building days with orienteering, head hunters, bush trail, fire building and archery.
  • New water Park visit in Blackpool
  • Trip to a trampoline park.
  • Evening activities such as bowling, pool, table football, games night and Bingo.