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Tots a Escena 8-12 Shakespeare & Friends

by Shakespeare & Friends

Age 8 Years - 12 Years

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Teatro y cine

Time Lunes 19:15 - 20:15 Miércoles 19:20 - 19:50

About class

An activity where to develop creative capacities, of corporal and oral expression, of memory and improvisation. An opportunity to grow and learn to relate to others, overcoming shyness thanks to the magic of the theater. Tots a Escena theater, music, dance and everything that brings us closer to the universe of expression; a multidisciplinary approach to discover the world of performing arts in a fun way. Notes: • €40 registration fee before June 30 after the €50 registration fee
About the organiser: Shakespeare & Friends
Aquest estiu farem una versió en català del famós musical Oliver de Lionel Bart, basat en la novel·la de Charles Dickens d’Oliver Twist.