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Tecnologia Creativa Primària (9-11)

by Eixos Creativa 4.9 (16)

Age 9 Years - 11 Years

Dates 13/09/2023 - 19/06/2024

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Tecnología y robótica

Time Miércoles 17:30 - 18:30

About class

In our extracurricular Creative Technology we promote the artistic, expressive and playful use of technology while introducing key concepts in the field of science, engineering or mathematics. It is STEAM education ( Science , Technology , Engineering , Art + Design and Math ) but emphasizing the A of Art and Design . In this way, students have the opportunity to expand their imagination and exercise their creativity while developing new skills such as teamwork, project management or problem solving.
About the organiser: Eixos Creativa
Nuestro centro está ubicado en el barrio de La Vila Olímpica de Barcelona, en el distrito de Sant Martí. Es un espacio diáfano y muy luminoso en el que impartimos diferentes tipos de actividades: Extraescolares, talleres puntuales, casales vacacionales y fiestas de cumpleaños.
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer de Ramon Turró, 73, 08005 Barcelona
Carrer de Ramon Turró, 73, 08005 Barcelona