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Taller Socioemocional Familiar

by Aysú

Age 3 Years - Adults

Languages Castellano

Categories Yoga y bienestar

Time Lunes 18:00 - 19:00 Miércoles 18:00 - 19:00

Price 10 €

About class

The emotional workshops project was born from the desire to promote the emotional and mental well-being of children, adolescents and adults. At each meeting, we will work with playful and creative activities with a focus on the family socio-emotional process. We will learn in a fun way, to develop emotional competencies, or access them by jumping to a range of knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes to functionally manage our own emotions. Having skills such as awareness, fitness, and emotional autonomy promote or develop emotional intelligence. A child or adolescent who has emotional intelligence becomes a small person who grows up healthy, capable of generating positive and appreciative emotions and of interacting satisfactorily with other people. We hope that these encounters awaken creativity and also the “inner children” (what lives within us) as adult facilitators and parents. It is time to bond and awaken fond memories with affinity, so spend quality time with your children every day, time that you should incorporate into your routine and dedicate it completely to taking care of relationships. Let's spread the care of emotions all over the world ... Join this adventure with us? For all families with children from 3 years old Languages: Spanish and Portuguese by therapist Cristina Caetano
About the organiser: Aysú
Aysú, Amor en Tupi-Guarani, es un proyecto creado para promover el bienestar de adultos, niños y familias. Nuestro objetivo es que familias, adultos y niños puedan reconocer y lidar con sus sentimientos y emociones, ayudarlos en su proceso de crecimiento, autoconocimiento, autoestima y conciencia, ofreciéndoles herramientas y estrategias para afrontar situaciones, nuevas perspectivas y desafíos. momentos en la vida. ​ Es un proyecto único, con el objetivo de compartir, escuchar, hablar y expresarse en un espacio donde se aceptan todas las culturas, donde suceden el amor, la libertad, la imaginación y la creatividad.