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Taller de Teatre

by Jove Teatre Regina 4.4 (1346)

Age 7 Years - 14 Years

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Teatro y cine

Time Miércoles 18:00 - 19:30

About class

Based on the possibilities offered to us by going up to a professional stage such as the Joven Teatro Regina, we develop the imaginary of each girl / boy based on their particularities. Taking into account that each one is part of a team and that it is a necessary piece for the proper functioning of the gear, we will rehearse with the ultimate goal of presenting a show to the families. Playing, they will discover the basic rules of the theater and the passion for the performing arts. Objectives: Work and understand the dramatic text. Give importance to teamwork. I work for an adequate stage presence. Exercise memory. I work for the elimination of tensions and the control of the nerves on stage. Initiation to the construction of characters. Develop creativity and originality avoiding clichés, clichés and imitations. Notes: • €45 Registration fee • Free registration for participants of the Regina summer workshops. • 10% discount from the second activity in the same family unit. • 5% discount each, if you enroll with a friend. * Discounts not cumulative and applicable to the lowest amount.
About the organiser: Jove Teatre Regina
El Jove Teatre Regina es un teatro profesional y estable, dedicado a la producción y programación de espectáculos familiares y de adultos.
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer de Sèneca, 22, 08006 Barcelona
Carrer de Sèneca, 22, 08006 Barcelona