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Summer School en Barcelona

by St. Paul's School 4 (46)

Age 3 Years - 12 Years

Dates 26/06/2023 - 30/06/2023
03/07/2023 - 07/07/2023
10/07/2023 - 14/07/2023

Languages Inglés

Categories Multiactividad - Arte y manualidades - Cocina y repostería - Baile y acrobacia - Deportes - Música y canto - Idiomas - Otros


Price 300 €

About camp

The most fun-fulled Summer School in Barcelona


¿Are you looking for a fun, creative summer school with full immersion

in English for your child? In our Summer School you will

enjoy three weeks full of activities with native teachers and specialized

monitors: from art, dance or music

to sports, shows and excursions. Even a foam party and a

closing event for families with

a percussion concert.

Sign up for one,

two or three full weeks of fun in English


🌞 https://www.stpauls.es/en/summer-school-landing 🌞




P3 & P4 & P5: Every day at the Summer School there will be an

adventure for the little ones. Including water games and inflatables on the

playground, art, music and dance workshops, mini golf on the St. Paul’s School

sports courts, as well as cooking workshops and our fun foam party.



Superhéro inflatables

A visit to Sapakara Fun Parc for P3 & P4

A day out to Isla Fantasía for P5


PRI1 A PRI4: The primary kids are full of

energy, so for them we have prepared sports activities such as baseball,

basketball, soccer, hockey or racket sports with qualified coaches, as well as

music and dance workshops. But this is not all… during the first and second

week many adventure activities are awaiting you: Crazy Karts, rock climbing,

Laser Quest or virtual reality simulators.



A day out to Isla Fantasía

A visit to the cinema

Late nights ¡With pizzas for dinner and activities until dusk!


PRI5 A ESO1: The older kids will have a

great summer: inflatables, virtual reality races, water party, hungry hippos,

circus, percussion, dance and cooking workshops. Every week there are new

activities! Of course, there will also be sports: baseball, basketball, soccer,

hockey or racket sports with qualified coaches.



A visit to Bowling Pedralbes

A day out to Isla Fantasía

Camping Night at St. Paul’s Pizza, disco and fun!


🌞 https://www.stpauls.es/en/summer-school-landing 🌞


About the organiser: St. Paul's School
St. Paul’s School es un colegio trilingüe, situado en Barcelona, que imparte enseñanza desde Educación Infantil (P3) hasta 2º de Bachillerato. Desde los 3 años, hasta el ingreso en la universidad.
Location Icon Get directions for St. Paul's School
Av. de Pearson, 39, 08034 Barcelona, España