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Summer Fun Weeks: Secret Agents (2024)

by Kids&Us Badalona 4.4 (7)

Age 3 Years - 10 Years

Dates 08/07/2024 - 12/07/2024

Languages Inglés

Categories Idiomas - Multiactividad

Time 09:00 - 13:00

Price 120 €

About camp

Fun Weeks are theme weeks organized by Kids&Us. They are aimed at children from 3 to 10 years old with the objective of facilitating their contact with English during the vacations, using the Kids&Us learning methodology. The Fun Weeks are 100% English activities that allow children to have fun and at the same time learn thanks to Kids&Us' own natural learning method.

All Fun Weeks activities are done entirely in English and are related to the weekly theme. Each week we immerse ourselves in a new world thanks to the different themes, with different stories for each age group created specifically to facilitate language acquisition.

Themes and dates:

Week 1: Safari (from June 25th to June 28th) at the Kids&Us Badalona center at Sant Pau Street

Welcome to the Savannah, where you can see the biggest, tallest, and fastest animals in the world. Our park guides and rangers can't wait to tell you all about elephants, hippos, rhinos, giraffes, zebras, and hungry lions. Learn what can happen when animals interact with tourists! Some get a private tour, and a cheetah has fun with its friends in this exciting Fun Week.

Excursion: Touch and Feel Workshop at the center, where we will observe and touch exotic animals. Workshop done by a professional that will come to the school.

Week 2: Japan (from July 1st to July 5th) at the Kids&Us Badalona center at Sant Pau Street

We'll fly to Japan and discover the traditions of this beautiful Asian country. In the land of the rising sun, anything is possible. Join us for a week full of excitement and surprises.

Excursion: Rock climbing at BDN Climb.

Week 3: Secret Agents (from July 8th to July 12th) at the Kids&Us Badalona center at Guifré Street

This week, the Kids&Us center will transform into the secret headquarters of KI 7 agents, where you can accompany our spy students on their exciting missions. Can they stop the villains and save the world? Join us and find out.

Excursion: Water activity at the beach with ESPAI MAR.

Week 4: Ancient Egypt (from July 15th to July 19th) at the Kids&Us Badalona center at Guifré Street

Have you ever dreamed of being an ancient explorer and discovering treasures? If so, this is the Fun Week for you! We'll learn fascinating facts about Ancient Egypt, the pyramids, the pharaohs, and much more! What are you waiting for?

Excursion: Rock climbing at BDN Climb.

Sign up at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1xWYMrSpIOYpYy97ZyiXMZ86TajytOJQuTMdXtEta6xw

or call us at 936116072

Also email us at badalona@kidsandus.cat

About the organiser: Kids&Us Badalona
En Kids&Us Badalona los niños y niñas crecen acompañados de nuestros personajes e historias. Nuestros cursos son una manera abierta e imaginativa de ver y entender el mundo, que les permitirá ir alcanzando competencias lingüísticas y llegar hasta los máximos niveles establecidos en el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia (MCER).
Location Icon Get directions for Kids&Us Badalona - Pep Ventura
C/ de Guifré, 238, 08912 Badalona, Barcelona, Spain
From 120 € per full camp