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Robotics After School Level 1

by Galegory

Age 6 Years - 18 Years

Languages Castellano

Categories Tecnología y robótica

Time Jueves 18:00 - 18:50

About class

Activity aimed at boys and girls who are starting in the world of robotics. We teach them the basic principles of physics and mechanics (gears, pulleys, wheels and levers) and then apply it to motorized constructions. Finally we program fun robots using LEGO WeDo 2.0, a product designed to get started in robotics with the classic LEGO pieces and an easy and visual programming reminiscent of the fit of pieces. These robots allow us, in addition to programming, to work on the natural environment with topics such as pollination, the metamorphosis of the frog, cleaning the ocean or earthquakes, giving extracurricular content both educational and fun. Notes: • €15 trial class (deducted from the monthly fee in case of registering for the class)
About the organiser: Galegory
Galegory es el primer community center físico en Barcelona, que ofrece de manera integrada todas las líneas de productos y servicios LEGO®,además de proporcionar un espacio para entusiastas y principiantes del mundo LEGO® para socializar, aprender y divertirse juntos.