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Robótica 5-7

by Centre Kepler

Age 5 Years - 7 Years

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Tecnología y robótica

Time Viernes 10:00 - 10:45

About class

Let's get started in educational robotics! We learn logic, math, engineering, and computer science while having fun assembling and programming robots. Notes: • 10% discount if partcipant signs up to more than one workshop or if siblings register
About the organiser: Centre Kepler
Actividades extraescolares donde niños y niñas con curiosidad y ganas de aprender pueden compartir intereses y divertirse descubriendo y experimentando con el mundo que les rodea!
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer de Can Ràbia, 11, 08017 Barcelona
Carrer de Can Ràbia, 11, 08017 Barcelona