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by Dance esCool

Age 4 Years - 6 Years

Languages Castellano

Categories Baile y acrobacia

Time Miércoles 17:20 - 18:20

About class

It is a first approach to creativity and the discipline that dance brings, playing with music. It is an initiation of steps and exercises in classical dance combined with other more modern and lively ones. They will begin to know and work with their body and to know themselves as well. Notes: • €20 registration fee
About the organiser: Dance esCool
Dance esCool, una nueva forma de entender el baile. Es una escuela de baile muy cercana y personalizada. En definitiva un lugar donde bailar, aprender, reír y donde nos gusta hacerte sentir como en casa.
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer de Ganduxer, 5, 08021 Barcelona
Carrer de Ganduxer, 5, 08021 Barcelona