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Playgroup - Anglès per als més petits!

by El Petit Pesolet

Age 1 Years - 3 Years

Languages Inglés

Categories Mamá y bebé

Time Martes 17:00 - 18:30

About class

KiDDo is an innovative English school aimed at all those who believe that it is never too early to learn !!! Sessions are 100% in English! from beginning to end. Children learn the language in a playful, innovative, practical and experiential way. The little ones will play, sing, paint ... but always speaking in English! Well, the professionals who teach the classes are all NATIVE !
About the organiser: El Petit Pesolet
El centro de Soporte Familiar “El Petit Pesolet” es un espacio que ofrece diferentes servicios para facilitar la conciliación de la vida familiar y laboral
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer de Ca l'Alegre de Dalt 45, 08024 Barcelona
Carrer de Ca l'Alegre de Dalt 45, 08024 Barcelona