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Native Actors

by Collage

Age 7 Years - 11 Years

Languages Inglés

Categories Teatro y cine

Time Lunes 11:00 - 12:00 Lunes 17:00 - 18:00 Miércoles 11:00 - 12:00 Miércoles 16:30 - 17:30 Jueves 16:45 - 17:45 Viernes 17:45 - 18:45

About class

Theatre Club For Native English Speakers (2n - 6t Primaria) in This Program, Theatre And Movement Are Used To Inspire Students To Use English As A Tool For Creative Expression. During The Class We Develop Stories, Play Fun Theatre Games In Wacky Costumes, And Use Puppets In An English-immersion Environment. role-playing Games And Team Story Building Stimulates Students’ Imaginations And Inspire Kids To Explore Their Creativity And Self-expression In English. This Program Gives Students The Opportunity To Interact And Play With Other Native English-speaking Children And Teachers. In This Program The Native Actors Also Work On Their Writing And Reading Skills, As They Dream Up, Develop And Write Their Own Scripts.
About the organiser: Collage
Aprende inglés a través del arte, el teatro, el juego, el movimiento, los experimentos, los proyectos y mucho más...
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Carrer de Sant Salvador, 96, Gràcia, 08024 Barcelona, España