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by Playful Minds

Age 0 Months - 5 Years

Date 30/11/2023

Languages Inglés - Castellano

Categories Música y canto - Multiactividad - Arte y manualidades

Time 17:30 - 18:30

Price 20 €

About event

🌟 Get ready for a festive and stellar experience with Rockin' Moon at our special Christmas-themed Music & Sensory event! 🎶✨ 

When: November 30th at 17:30

Where: Kidzz Kidzz (Gràcia) - Plaça de les Dones Del 36, Barcelona

Ages: 0-5 years.

Rockin' Moon is a 30-minute musical journey designed for the whole family, creating a unique bond between adults and children aged 0-5 years. 🚀 Connect with your body and voices as we embark on a rhythmic adventure together, celebrating the joy of community just as our ancestors have done since the beginning of our existence. 🌙

After the Christmas-themed musical extravaganza, dive into 30 minutes of sensory play with Playful Minds, adding a festive splash of creativity and exploration to the mix.🌈 

Don't miss out on this harmonious blend of Christmas music and sensory delight! 🌟 

📞 DM / Whatsapp +34637058239

About the organiser: Playful Minds
Actividades sensoriales al aire libre para niños de 6 meses a 4 años y sus familias. Fiestas de cumpleaños sensoriales adaptadas a todas las edades.
Location Icon Get directions for Kidzz
Plaça de les Dones del 36, 08012 Barcelona, Spain