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Kids&Kafé Party

by Kids&Kafé 4.2 (319)

Age 0 Months - 8 Years

Languages Catalán - Castellano - Inglés

Categories Espacios para fiestas

Time -

Price 220 € - 500 €

About event

Nice space to celebrate your parties. Unique decorations and original proposals to make your day very special. -Weekdays and weekends, Basic Pack + Half of the place includes: -1 monitors (in case the group is more than 10 children). -A workshop suitable for the age of the children. -Basic and personalized decoration. 200 meters with play corners, exclusive and unique toys (more than 8 themed corners). -100 meters of interior room for dancing, with loudspeaker and disco light (waiting room for adults). -Final cleaning service. -Weekdays and weekends, Basic Pack + whole place includes: -2 monitors (in case the group is more than 10 children). -A workshop suitable for the age of the children. -Basic and personalized decoration. 200 meters with play corners, exclusive and unique toys (more than 8 themed corners). -100 meters of interior room for dancing, with loudspeaker and disco light (waiting room for adults). -Final cleaning service.
About the organiser: Kids&Kafé
Kids&Kafe is a creative and educational role play system for children from 0-8 years old. Specially created for the little ones to pretend and experience real life activities while their parents are relaxing and having a cup of coffee.
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer de Nicaragua, 117, 08029 Barcelona
Carrer de Nicaragua, 117, 08029 Barcelona