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Kiddies & Kids English

by Start Up Centre d'Estudis 4.3 (61)

Age 4 Years - 8 Years

Dates 05/09/2022 - 22/06/2023

Languages Inglés

Categories Idiomas

Time Lunes 17:30 - 19:00 Martes 17:30 - 19:00 Miércoles 17:30 - 19:00 Jueves 17:30 - 19:00

About class

The Start Up courses follow an innovative, participatory and dynamic method. The backbone is communication and that is why we are committed to linguistic immersion in small groups and qualified native teachers. Each group has its corresponding course program based on the objectives to be achieved for each level. In addition, the courses include several projects that aim to perfect the different language skills. Each course and modality uses a textbook as the main material, which is complemented with the projects established from the number of hours per week in each group and level: KIDDIES AND KIDS PROJECTS Sing & Play Arts & Crafts Storyteller Time Kinetics Notes: •€35 Registration fee •Students must purchase the books corresponding to their group, which they can order at reception. •Books are not included in the fee. •Free registration for first-degree relatives (parents and siblings). •5% discount from the second first degree relative (parents and siblings). •5% discount on students taking other courses at the center. •Discounts not cumulative
About the organiser: Start Up Centre d'Estudis
En Start Up somos especialistas en la formación de idiomas para todas las edades, tanto en el ámbito particular como en el empresarial.
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer Cartellá 157, 08031, Barcelona
C. de Cartellà, 157, 08031 Barcelona, España