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Jumpingclay Art (3-6)

by Eixos Creativa

Age 3 Years - 6 Years

Dates 18/09/2023 - 19/06/2024

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Arte y manualidades

Time Lunes 17:30 - 18:30

About class

Artistic modeling activity with JumpingClay, a colorful air-drying clay specially designed for educational programs. Our team of JIA (Jumping Clay Institute of Art) qualified instructors teach students how to manipulate clay so that they are gradually able to create everything they can imagine. They will learn step by step in a simple and fun way. We work on quarterly projects based on a specific theme. We combine projects with specific workshops such as Halloween, Christmas, Carnival where we do a project / figure that is taken home the same day. Our Jumping Clay modeling courses are complemented by other artistic disciplines such as illustration.
About the organiser: Eixos Creativa
Nuestro centro está ubicado en el barrio de La Vila Olímpica de Barcelona, en el distrito de Sant Martí. Es un espacio diáfano y muy luminoso en el que impartimos diferentes tipos de actividades: Extraescolares, talleres puntuales, casales vacacionales y fiestas de cumpleaños.
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer de Ramon Turró, 73, 08005 Barcelona
Carrer de Ramon Turró, 73, 08005 Barcelona