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More info

Age 3 Years - 7 Years

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Deportes

Time Lunes 18:00 - 19:00

About class

The vast majority of children are restless, moved, they love the feeling of living in freedom and in constant fun. Therefore, it would be logical for many of you (moms and dads) to think that your children may get bored doing a yoga class, as it would be difficult for them to be calmer, calmer and not so drunk for a while. Well, from my own experience I can tell you that with motivation and a well-planned and fun class you can get the boys and girls to perceive a great interest in knowing and practicing this discipline!
About the organiser: El Petit Pesolet
El centro de Soporte Familiar “El Petit Pesolet” es un espacio que ofrece diferentes servicios para facilitar la conciliación de la vida familiar y laboral
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer de Ca l'Alegre de Dalt 45, 08024 Barcelona
Carrer de Ca l'Alegre de Dalt 45, 08024 Barcelona