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Introducció a la Impressió 3D Codelearn Sant Cugat

by Codelearn Sant Cugat

Age 10 Years - 17 Years

Dates 27/12/2022 - 30/12/2022
02/01/2022 - 06/01/2022

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Tecnología y robótica


About camp

3D printing is a technology that has gained popularity in recent years. It is no longer uncommon to see 3D printers outside of industrial settings, and to find them in our homes, schools, etc. Every day it is more important to be familiar with this technology and with the creation of 3D models that can be printed. Recommended minimum age for face-to-face activity: 10 years In this campus the student will learn: - To design simple 3D models. - How it works and how to configure a personal 3D printer. - What is Arduino and how is it integrated into a 3D printer.
About the organiser: Codelearn Sant Cugat
A Codelearn fem diferents tipus d’activitats relacionades amb la programació i la robòtica, dirigides a nens i joves: Classes extraescolars durant tot l’any, fent servir el mètode Codelearn i campus i casals intensius (campus d’Estiu, Setmana Santa, Nadal… també online!)
Location Icon Get directions for d'Àngel, Carrer d'Àngel Guimerà, 3, 08172 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona
d'Àngel, Carrer d'Àngel Guimerà, 3, 08172 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona