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Hip Hop 11-14

by DanceLab School 5 (150)

Age 11 Years - 14 Years

Dates 04/09/2023 - 29/06/2024

Languages Castellano - Catalán - Inglés

Categories Baile y acrobacia

Time Lunes 18:15 - 19:15 Miércoles 18:15 - 19:15

Price 44 € - 65 €

About class

Hip Hop is an urban culture from the USA. which includes different disciplines or elements. The 4 main ones are: the DJs, the MCs (those who write lyrics), the Graffiti, and the Dance. Within the dance section, we can find both more “funk” styles: mainly breaking, but also locking, popping, waacking ... as well as more 80's styles: such as hip hop (like dance), or house, until reaching the more current styles such as litefeet. Within this course we are going to introduce and develop several of the different styles of dance and to know how to differentiate the different musical styles within this culture. In this way, we will achieve a global training within the set of styles, with the possibility of developing more specifically any of those that we see during the course. Notes: • €50 registration fee
About the organiser: DanceLab School
DanceLab nace en el año 2018 de la mano de Àlex Morales como laboratorio de danza y arte. En nuestro Laboratorio podrás aprender y disfrutar del baile desde una mirada multidisciplinar, ya que trabajamos una variedad de disciplinas. Estamos situados en el barrio del Clot y contamos con unas instalaciones para la práctica de cualquier actividad artísticas. A parte de las clases, también alquilamos las salas de la escuela para que puedas ensayar.
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer del Concili de Trento, 46, 08018 Barcelona
Carrer del Concili de Trento, 46, 08018 Barcelona
From 44 € per month