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Hacking y Creación de Paginas Web 13-15

by Coding Giants 4.4 (7)

Age 13 Years - 15 Years

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Tecnología y robótica

Time Sábado 10:00 - 11:30

Price 162 €

About class

The course will last 2 semesters. The student will get to know the secrets of piracy and the safe use of the benefits of modern digital civilization. Classes will be dedicated to the study, use and creation of scripts and hackers (keyloggers, Trojans, viruses, exploits). The student will learn to drive and defend against social engineering, DDOS, phishing, injections, and other computer attacks. The student will learn about the Kali Linux operating system and the tools it provides. You will also learn how to use Proxy servers, VPNs, and Tor networks to maintain anonymity on the Internet. Part of the course is dedicated to the creation of professional and modern web pages, using languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and CMS content management systems. The student will create and publish their own web page.
About the organiser: Coding Giants
Coding Giants
Location Icon Get directions for C/ de la Diputació, 452, 08013 Barcelona
C/ de la Diputació, 452, 08013 Barcelona