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GSE Multi-Sport Camp - Solihull School (UK)

by Grand Sports Exchange

Age 10 Years - 15 Years

Dates 26/06/2022 - 30/06/2022
03/07/2022 - 07/07/2022
10/07/2022 - 14/07/2022
17/07/2022 - 21/07/2022
24/07/2022 - 28/07/2022
31/07/2022 - 04/08/2022
07/08/2022 - 11/08/2022
14/08/2022 - 18/08/2022
21/08/2022 - 25/08/2022
28/08/2022 - 01/09/2022

Languages Inglés

Categories Idiomas


Price 2 €

About camp

Our campus is an excellent opportunity to practice sports in the UK, improve the level of English and make new friends. In GSE Multi-Sports Camp you can practice one or more sports such as soccer, hockey, rugby, basketball, cricket, tennis, dance... Players are the main protagonists and they decide to what extent they want to practice each of these sports. Upon arrival in the UK, they will receive a notebook where the language activities will be explained in detail. Our main goal is for them to interact as much as possible with their exchange partner and improve their level of English. On Saturday they will be able to enjoy a day full of activities that we will organize for all GSE children (Spanish and English) and on Sunday they will visit some of the most emblematic and culturally interesting sites in the area with the British family.
About the organiser: Grand Sports Exchange
Grand Sports Exchange empezó a crearse cuando Matt y Ferran se dan cuenta que han dedicado su vida al tenis y quieren continuar invirtiéndola en la misma dirección. Gracias al deporte han podido hacer grandes amistades en otros países y vivir muy buenas experiencias. Quieren dar a los más jóvenes esta oportunidad con sus campus. Nuestros servicios son una excelente oportunidad para practicar deporte(no solo tenis), mejorar el inglés y hacer nuevas amistades.