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Estimulació musical grupo A

by El Petit Pesolet 5 (8)

Age 0 Months - 1 Years

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Música y canto

Time Jueves 18:00 - 19:00

About class

As you all know, during pregnancy, one of the first organs that develops is the ear and that is why when the baby is born it is fully prepared to start receiving musical stimuli from the environment around it. Thus, the heartbeat of the mother will become the first elements that will compose her first piece of music. The innate ability that children show in the early stages of their development to explore and assimilate music makes it a means to work on language acquisition, promotes the development of auditory sensitivity, enhances social relationships and communication skills. and allows you to develop attention and memory.
About the organiser: El Petit Pesolet
El centro de Soporte Familiar “El Petit Pesolet” es un espacio que ofrece diferentes servicios para facilitar la conciliación de la vida familiar y laboral
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer de Ca l'Alegre de Dalt 45, 08024 Barcelona
Carrer de Ca l'Alegre de Dalt 45, 08024 Barcelona