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Escola de Dansa Poliesportiu Safa-Horta

by Poliesportiu Safa-Horta

Age 6 Years - 14 Years

Dates 26/06/2022 - 30/06/2022
03/07/2022 - 07/07/2022
10/07/2022 - 14/07/2022
17/07/2022 - 21/07/2022
24/07/2022 - 28/07/2022
31/07/2022 - 04/08/2022
07/08/2022 - 11/08/2022
14/08/2022 - 18/08/2022
21/08/2022 - 25/08/2022
28/08/2022 - 01/09/2022

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Baile y acrobacia


About camp

Dance school, focused on learning and improving technical aspects and appropriate to the age and levels of the participants. The house promotes a work environment and complicity that helps them to develop their physical and social skills and to acquire healthy living habits. The main goal is to improve the mastery of the body and the expression of feelings and emotions with music as a tool to facilitate the learning process. We will put your most creative part into action. In addition, they will combine the day with games and activities in the pool. Notes: • Siblings have a 5% discount per registered sibling and it will be cumulative to the entire rate. • If you want to choose more than one campus specialty, the price of the number of weeks chosen for each specialty will be applied, not the sum of the total weeks. For example, if two weeks of Campus multiesport and two of Futsal are chosen, they will be considered with the price of two weeks plus two weeks. The four week rate will be waived. • In the case of duly accredited illness with medical justification, a voucher will be made proportional to the time not used as long as they are weekly periods. • No refunds or compensation for specific days will be made. • We have the service available to stay for lunch between the hours of 13:30-15:00 for €47.50 per week. This price is valid until May 15. From May 16 each will be €50. This service will be from our own kitchen. • It is not mandatory to stay for lunch. You can go home to eat and come back. It is not mandatory to stay to eat. • We have the afternoon activities service available from 15:00 to 17:00 for €30 a week. • Afternoon activities cannot be taken without signing up for morning activities.
About the organiser: Poliesportiu Safa-Horta
El Poliesportiu Safa-Horta es un centro deportivo de proximidad. Sin aglomeraciones. Con horarios y espacios para disfrutar en familia, para entrenar duro o por soltarse. Disfrutamos de un ambiente fresco y amigable, en él puedes conocer gente o ir a tu.
Location Icon Get directions for Torrent del Carmel, 1, 08032 Barcelona
Torrent del Carmel, 1, 08032 Barcelona