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Emotional Intelligence Workshop for Children

by Mindful Children

Age 6 Years - 9 Years

Languages Castellano - Inglés

Categories Yoga y bienestar

Time Jueves 10:00 - 11:00

Price 10 €

About class

This workshop is for children of all sorts. Before anything, a safe space is created for children to feel comfortable to grow, learn, be silly, make mistakes. Children don’t learn from a place of discomfort so establishing that friendship is the priority in the beginning, before anything else. - In terms of the session, we start with a little guided meditation and discuss concepts around meditation, and what it means to observe our thoughts. - Stretching and different yoga poses will be explored as well in order for us to explore the connection we have with our bodies. - Later, chats about our emotional experience of the world will be had – this is a chance for children to not only share, but hear about the experience of their friends. We’ll relate, cultivate empathy and develop our emotion-oriented vocabulary! - Afterwards we will have another short meditation where they will be encouraged to express their experience through a variety of methods – drawing, verbally, through music, etc. - We will usually end off with a special kind of dance party where children will be encouraged to really feel the music, and to move their bodies with what they feel. Sessions begin March 16th!
About the organiser: Mindful Children
Empoderar a los mini-humanos a través del movimiento, el trabajo de respiración y la conversación.