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Discover Kids&Us Badalona - 29/06/23

by Kids&Us Badalona 4.4 (7)

Age 1 Years - 7 Years

Date 29/06/2023

Languages Inglés

Categories Idiomas

Time 17:00 - 20:00

Price 0 €

About event

Come and live the Kids&Us experience first hand!

This is our world and in this world you learn by playing.

Kids&Us offers an English learning method based on the process of mother tongue acquisition. With the Natural English method, babies start learning English in a natural and intuitive way at only one year old. Thus begins a journey of deep learning at each stage, until they are 18 years old.

At Discover Kids&Us, you will enjoy activities in English for children up to 7 years old. You will live in first person the experience of the Natural English method with demonstration classes for Babies and Kids. You will get to know the Kids&Us Badalona - Sant Pau team and facilities during the open day.

(Times to be confirmed depending on the number of registrations).

Register at https://page.kidsandus.es/es-es/discover2023

* Free activity aimed at children who are not Kids&Us students.

About the organiser: Kids&Us Badalona
En Kids&Us Badalona los niños y niñas crecen acompañados de nuestros personajes e historias. Nuestros cursos son una manera abierta e imaginativa de ver y entender el mundo, que les permitirá ir alcanzando competencias lingüísticas y llegar hasta los máximos niveles establecidos en el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia (MCER).
Location Icon Get directions for Kids&Us Badalona - Centre
Carrer de Sant Pau, 25, 08911 Badalona, Barcelona, Spain