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Dibuix I Pintura (mitjans)

by TRAÇ Centre Expressió Plàstica 4.9 (36)

Age 7 Years - 10 Years

Languages Castellano - Catalán - Inglés - Francés

Categories Arte y manualidades

Time Jueves 17:30 - 18:25

About class

This workshop is aimed at children from 2nd to 5th grade. It is a course to introduce students to the world of drawing and painting, both in the technical part and in the search for their own language. We teach the child to look and observe and then be able to interpret reality in a subjective way using different technical resources. In this course we want to promote art education, educating through the creative process, gaze and sensitivity, as another way to enjoy the world. Learning to draw and paint opens a way to approach art with a new, more enriching look. The painting course is a tool to increase sensitivity and enjoy art by enhancing imagination and creativity. We will learn to look at what we see with other eyes, without prejudice. Notes: • €50 annual registration fee
About the organiser: TRAÇ Centre Expressió Plàstica
Traç offers children and adults the opportunity to enjoy art in a quiet and relaxed environment, ideal for developing creativity. We encourage a first-class broad artistic education, which takes into account the person and their context. We inspire our students to think, imagine, share, communicate and enjoy the different creative possibilities of art. Traç offers a wide range of courses and workshops for children, young people and adults: visual arts, painting, sculpture, engraving, and restoration. Additionally, we organize conferences, guided tours and other art-related activities.