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Cukor Birthday Parties

by Cukor

Age 5 Years - 14 Years

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Espacios para fiestas

Time -

About event

Children are illusion, magic and fun in its purest form, just like our candy and chocolate factory. So if you are looking for an original idea to celebrate a children's birthday party in Barcelona for your child, we have the most fun plan. Chocolate is for everyone, candy is for those over 9 years old. In the chocolate activity, each boy or girl will make the two pieces of her with different techniques that adjust with the age of the group. Older children, apart from these pieces of chocolate, can learn how to make hard candy through craft techniques, lollipops, rings, blown balloons, inscriptions, brooches, etc. The limit is the imagination. Always supervised and guided by us. The minimum group size is 6 people. You can come with mixed groups of adults and children.
About the organiser: Cukor
Çukor es un obrador abierto donde fabricamos una gran variedad de golosinas artesanales con recetas populares de todo el planeta. Nubes, gominolas, caramelo duro, grageas de chocolate y algunas especialidades de pastelería según temporada del año.
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer del Palau, 5, 08002 Barcelona
Carrer del Palau, 5, 08002 Barcelona