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Creació Plàstica (grans)

by TRAÇ Centre Expressió Plàstica 4.9 (36)

Age 10 Years - 18 Years

Languages Castellano - Catalán - Inglés - Francés

Categories Arte y manualidades

Time Martes 18:00 - 18:55

Price 58 € - 106 €

About class

This workshop is aimed at children and young people from 5th grade onwards. In this course , children and young people can develop and enhance their creativity through a wide variety of techniques and materials. We will reinforce the learning and consolidation of the knowledge of the different techniques and materials, always at the service of a personal and creative project. We will also work with collective projects to promote teamwork. The teacher accompanies the student when he / she needs it, but always respecting as much as possible his / her creative idea and his / her autonomy. Creative capacity is enhanced by enriching creative languages. Notes: • €50 annual registration fee
About the organiser: TRAÇ Centre Expressió Plàstica
Traç offers children and adults the opportunity to enjoy art in a quiet and relaxed environment, ideal for developing creativity. We encourage a first-class broad artistic education, which takes into account the person and their context. We inspire our students to think, imagine, share, communicate and enjoy the different creative possibilities of art. Traç offers a wide range of courses and workshops for children, young people and adults: visual arts, painting, sculpture, engraving, and restoration. Additionally, we organize conferences, guided tours and other art-related activities.