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Collage - Casal de verano en inglés

by Collage

Age 4 Years - 12 Years

Dates 25/06/2024 - 28/06/2024
01/07/2024 - 05/07/2024
10/07/2023 - 14/07/2023
08/07/2024 - 12/07/2024
15/07/2024 - 19/07/2024
22/07/2024 - 26/07/2024

Languages Inglés

Categories Idiomas - Arte y manualidades - Teatro y cine

Time 09:00 - 13:30 09:00 - 14:30 09:00 - 17:30

About camp

Since 2005, COLLAGE has offered fun-filled Camps during the school holidays where kids can explore their creativity through an array of exciting and educational hands-on activities, including art, games, music, theatre and movement. Our team of experienced, native English speaking teachers works hand-in-hand with our students to create the perfect English immersion environment.


Collage camps are open to both native and non-native English speakers, ranging from 4 to 14 years old. Groups are divided by age, as well as English level, to ensure that all children are comfortable, as well as challenged. Additionally, with a teacher/student ratio of no more than 1:7, Collage offers kids the specialized attention they need to practice their English, explore their creativity, make new friends and most of all... have fun!


4 to 13 year-olds (possibly divided by age groups.)



A variety of activities, all English focused. Such as:

    Physical games and movements that focus on fine and gross motor skills.Arts and crafts using different means - drawing, painting, collage, clay, sculpture, mixed media, etc.Theatre, role-playing, scene building, costumes, props and puppets.Storytelling and reading time - Collage has an ever-growing library with a vast variety of books for kids and teens.Songs, rhythmic games and musicality.Ludic spaces - Board games, cards, spaces and objects for symbolic game.


Monday 26th June to Friday 28th July

Monday 28th August to Friday 1st September


9:00 - 13:30 - 175€/week

9:00 - 14:30 - 185€/week (children bring their lunch)

9:00 - 17:30 - 230€/week (children bring their lunch)


Week 1 - Around the World

26/06 - 30/06

Take a trip around the world learning English through the cultures and landscapes of some of the most amazing places on Earth. 

Week 2 - Wilderness

03/07 - 07/07

A week in the "Wild", learning the skills it takes to survive! Build shelters, read maps, hunt for treasures, identify animal prints and of course, learn first aid so that we all come out unscathed!


Week 3 - The Twits

10/07 - 14/07

A theatrical adventure into the magical world of Roald Dahl's Twits. Tricks and jokes, monkeys and roly poly birds, worm spaghetti and glass eyes, all wait round the corner in this week of madness.

Week 4 - Our Neighbourhood

17/07 - 21/07

A week getting to know the Neighbourhood of Gracia: it's people, animals, parks, and businesses. We will make crafts, play games, and share the love in our neighbourhood before a very special surprise at the end of the week.


Week 5 - Greek Myths

24/07 - 28/07

Now children can learn all about ancient Greece and learn English at the same time in this fun packed week of Greek mythology, ancient Greek pottery making and even our very own Collage Olympic Games.

Week 6 - Up in the Sky

28/08 - 01/09

A week flying high, traveling through the sky and exploring all the animals, objects and mysteries above us. Birds and clouds, butterflies and rockets, kites and hot air balloons. What else can we find?


- Siblings/Single carers/Large families: 5%

- 3 weeks or more or registration before 20th May: 10%

Discount are not accumalative



We'll provide mid-morning snacks (fruits, breadsticks and juice)! 

Children that stay for lunch need to bring a packed lunch. We have a little kitchen with a fridge and microwave.

About the organiser: Collage
Aprende inglés a través del arte, el teatro, el juego, el movimiento, los experimentos, los proyectos y mucho más...
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Carrer de Sant Salvador, 96, Gràcia, 08024 Barcelona, España