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Clase de Circo 5-6

by Cirko Escuelita

Age 5 Years - 6 Years

Languages Castellano

Categories Baile y acrobacia

Time Lunes 17:30 - 18:30 Miércoles 17:45 - 18:45

About class

We work on experimentation, creativity and imagination. We believe that children have unparalleled potential and we try to empower it, respecting the times and abilities of each one, knowing that no child is the same as another. Through the game, we work: acrobatics on the ground and in the air: trapeze, aerial fabrics and ropes; manipulation of objects: balls, flying handkerchiefs and Chinese dishes, among others; balances and imbalances: tightrope walking on ropes and on different objects; corporal expression and a trunk full of costumes. all so that the children become familiar with the disciplines of the circus. The objective, to accompany them in the development of their own psychomotor skills, to interact in a group and have a good time in a magical space, where almost everything is possible, thanks to the power of imagination and fantasy that children have. The school is organized into four age groups from 3 to 4 years, from 5 to 6, from 7 to 10 and from 11 years onwards. The parents of the small group can stay in the room during the activity to facilitate the adaptation of their children. Notes: • 20€ registration fee
About the organiser: Cirko Escuelita
Una forma divertida de hacer ejercicio explorando el equilibrio, la coordinación, la atención y el juego como herramienta principal. En pleno corazón del barrio del Poblenou y a pocos metros de la rambla, se encuentra la CirkoEscuelita. Un espacio cálido y familiar, donde los niños podrán iniciarse jugando, en el mágico mundo del circo. Las clases estan organizadas en grupos por edades, cuidando los tiempos, las necesidades y las exigencias de cada uno. En la Cirkoescuelita, el objetivo es pasar un buen rato y aprender jugando de la mano del circo.