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Age 6 Years - 16 Years

Dates 11/09/2023 - 17/06/2024

Languages Castellano

Categories Multiactividad

Time Lunes 16:30 - 19:30

Price 50 €

About class

Depending on the ages of the participants, the seasonal time and the needs of the group, the Waldorf curriculum appears artistically and socially: free play (outdoor or indoor), greeting and social play (musical listening, pentatonic flute, xylophones, lyres , piano, choir, etc.), artistic-manual activity (work with wool, modeling in clay and talc, work in stone or wood, manuals corresponding to the season), healthy shared snack, artistic activity (free artistic drawing and/or of shapes, watercolor painting) and narration (story or legend, theater). Mathematics, social sciences and languages ​​are experienced transversally, as well as human values. All of this is creatively crystallized through the annual project, which includes the practice of Eurythmy, the use of the center's library and the promotion of reading, as well as visual culture (documentaries, films and musical works).

These artistic-manual activities for children and young people, from 6 to 16 years old, are a meeting place to share, collaborate, relate, learn and develop their own creative abilities in a small group, with the support and guidance of accredited Waldorf teachers. and professionals.

This activity includes snacks, seasonal parties and tutoring for the family.

About the organiser: CASA STEINER TENERIFE

Centro Pedagógico Triformado (Waldorf acreditado) de la provincia de Santa Cruz de Tenerife con licencia municipal. 

Actividad matinal: Jardín de infancia, de lunes a viernes, de 8,30h a 15,30 h. (atención al comedor de 13,30 a 15,30 h.).

Círculo Joven: Actividades artístico-manuales para Primaria y Secundaria el lunes, de 16,30 a 19,30 h; Actividades infantiles/juveniles (campamento urbano) en julio de 2024, de lunes a viernes, de 8,30h a 13,30h

Actividades para jóvenes y adultos: dibujo y pintura (Arterapia), miércoles de 16,30 a 17,30 h; ergoterapia con lana, martes de 17,30 a 18,30 h

Ofrecemos asimismo talleres artísticos y cursos acreditados, presenciales y online, de formación en Pedagogía Triformada (Waldorf-Steiner) para maestros y personas interesadas, a través de nuestro Centro de Formación Waldorf de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, miembro de la Asociación de Centros Waldorf de España, y escuela de familias; fiestas de estación y talleres familiares.


Location Icon Get directions for CASA STEINER TENERIFE
C. Mario Marrero Fariǹa, 38550 Arafo, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, España