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Casal Inclusivo Roex Summer

by Roex Obra Social 5 (22)

Age 3 Years - 16 Years

Dates 26/06/2022 - 30/06/2022
03/07/2022 - 07/07/2022
10/07/2022 - 14/07/2022
17/07/2022 - 21/07/2022
24/07/2022 - 28/07/2022
31/07/2022 - 04/08/2022
07/08/2022 - 11/08/2022
14/08/2022 - 18/08/2022
21/08/2022 - 25/08/2022
28/08/2022 - 01/09/2022

Languages Castellano - Catalán

Categories Deportes


Price 68 € - 140 €

About camp

This vacation, Roex Summer, will take us on adventures around the world. After a year locked in by the pandemic, we deserve to travel and see the world! This is how our center of interest for this year arises: AROUND THE WORLD Every day of the week we will travel through one of the world's continents: Europe, Asia, Oceania, Antarctica, Africa, North and South America. We will discover different countries and cities. Traditions, culture, festivals, languages, curious facts, myths and legends, games ... How will we do it? Easy! We will skate, do circuits, gymkhanas, team games, discover tracks and enigmas ... But we will not only discover the world geographically, but we will also know a closer world, which surrounds us every day and many of us do not know . A world full of experiences and different capacities that, some, cannot even imagine! We will dedicate a special day to know this world. Experience Day is an activity that will bring us closer to living these new experiences and we will take advantage of it to strengthen ties, or make them stronger, among all of us. " Experience Day, is a day in which we will live different experiences, we will discover and we will put our capacities to the test. Through testimonies from different people, including ROEX Obra Social monitors, we will get to know the world around us from their perspective. We will put ourselves in their shoes and try to carry out the activities that we would do daily and some that they will propose to us. our guests. We will have a special collaboration from another friendly association that is dedicated to functional, adapted and inclusive sports. To end this Experience Day, we can't think of a better way than having a picnic and spending an afternoon of games on the beach in a big way, everyone together! Notes: Registration includes: •Shirt •Backpack •Accident and liability insurance •Material necessary to carry out the activities (except skates, protections and helmet) •Experience day •9-15 / 9-17 lunch included
About the organiser: Roex Obra Social
Somos una asociación sin ánimo de lucro inscrita en el Registro Nacional de Asociaciones que fomenta la inclusión social a través del deporte, principalmente el patinaje. Para ello ofrecemos diferentes actividades de lunes a sábado para todo tipo de persona (adultos y niños) y de todos los niveles.
Location Icon Get directions for Carrer de Salvador Espriu, 63, 08005 Barcelona
Carrer de Salvador Espriu, 63, 08005 Barcelona